I just picked up a '95 FZR600R from a buddy who dumped it. I've picked up everything I need, to get it back on the road again, but there are a few things I'd still like to get:
-Front fairing (dual round headlight) or an air-tech kit
-R6 tail assembly
-R6 swing arm
I'm located in SE Wisconsin but travel to Illinois often. Also willing to pay shipping.
Thanks in advanced!
New FZR600 owner looking for parts!
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Re: New FZR600 owner looking for parts!
I have none of those parts but if you want an R6 swing arm to swap onto your FZR, do a search to find out how much work and fabrication it takes. You may conclude that it's not worth it.
Re: New FZR600 owner looking for parts!
Thanks! I mainly wanted it to get rid of the goofy 18" wheel
Re: New FZR600 owner looking for parts!
The r6 swingarm swap which I'm doing at the moment, is do-able but takes a lot of work. The easier swap is a yzf 600 swingarm which will give you a 17 inch 160 wheel.
Re: New FZR600 owner looking for parts!
Thanks I'll have to look into that, it's pretty low on the priority list, more of an off-season project before I need to replace the rear tireAussieFZR wrote:The r6 swingarm swap which I'm doing at the moment, is do-able but takes a lot of work. The easier swap is a yzf 600 swingarm which will give you a 17 inch 160 wheel.
Re: New FZR600 owner looking for parts!
I have an R6 race tail and undertail. You'd need to add some lights to the undertail but there are holes for them. I may have a modded YZF swingarm in the near future.

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"When some people cry, it's not because they’re weak. It’s because they’ve been strong for far too long."
Re: New FZR600 owner looking for parts!
I really don't want to lose the back seat, so I don't think a race tail is what I want