1989 FZR1000
Not much in the way of fairings but I have a very nice silver powder coated frame, powder coated bits, and front/rear wheels with pirelli diablo corsa tires with the stickers still on them. the frame and wheels are on eBay if you search for the user madursk they will show up.
Motor is in pieces but they are good pieces. I have a big bore kit, lightened clutches, copper head gasket.
Swingarm is powder coated silver also.
Tank is OK with one small dent.
Seat is in good shape.
Have a stock pipe with almost 0 miles on it.
Lots of other stuff.
Need some cash for another project.
Make me reasonable offers.
I can take pics if you want them.
Parts are all in Mount Clare, WV, 26408.
1989 FZR1000 part out - lots of powdercoated parts
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