First Place winner (My best Firend / race buddy over here) Mr Fred Trembly
Fred is a Canadian who has a lot of dirt bike wins under his belt.
I started to train him about 15 months ago and before I new it he not only had his own bike but he was modifying the shit out of it.
End result is a bad ass Honda CBR1000RR. His skill level came up to speed and surpassed mine rather quickly as well. I am fine with that as I know Fred is such a previously experianced rider my ego was not hurt too bad ha ha.
I wanted to feature Fred as he deserves a few words and I am proud to have had even a little bit to do with his superb performance this past race weekend. He not only won the race but he won over the crowd and the Media much to his sponsors liking. He is a toal racer and a great friend. So much so that when I was strapped for cash he bought me a few sets of tires so we could go practice and train together.

Dave Sadowsi and Fred training at Shanghai Tianma Circuit prior to the race weekend.
Just a side note Fred has only missed one open practice the entire season and gone through about 15 sets of tires to get where he is. He worked and trained his ass off and thats what it takes to win. Total dedication, which Fred has displayed time and time again. Fred is very much a thinking rider not an emotional one.

A pre race interview with Shanghai Media Group (SMG) I believe they fed this up to CCTV 5 which is the Chinese Sports Channel.. (Chinese ESPN) Racing is slowly gaining popularity here. Another five years and I think it will be reaching some sence of Maturity.
Steven Tsu owner of BG-Performacnce is at his side

On the starting grid Helen (Freds Wife) is on his right hand side. Lucy (Fred Co-Worker and race supporter) is on his Left.

The General Manager of the Circuit MR Paul Zhang came over to shake Fred hand and wish him good luck. Paul, Fred and I all worked together on getting the night lighting set up for racing. Steve Tsu owner of BG-Performance was Kind enough to sponsor the bikes for the testing of the lighting system. Steve and BG-Performance has been a real leader in the industry and getting the race events off the ground.
I have known Paul Zhang for about 5 years now. He is a good guy and is really trying to do the best he can to get the Festival and Tianma circuit in the Public eye. The 8000 fans at this weekends race is result. The curcuit was at max capacity for fan attendance. Three years ago you could not even give tickets away.

Dave Sadowski is on the BG-Perforamnce team as race and technical director and is here helping wrap Freds tires on the starting grid. Though I was not pitted with BG this race Dave was kind enough to help with my suspension issues. He is 110% what a true racer and biker should be.
Always giving and I don't think I have met too many with the knowledge and love for the sport this guy has.. I am honored to be aquainted with him.
BG-Performamce is Freds main sponsor and offers Race support etc. They are the Big guys here holding Mainland China distributorships for Ohlins, Michelin, Leo Vince, Berick, Arlen Ness, Motul, Frction performance and a few more I am sure I am forgetting.

With 100% total concentration needed Fred puts the fans and fanfair aside and gets his mind prepared for what will be a grueling 12 lap race.

Fred had been practicing his starts but has had a bit of trouble keeping the front end on the ground.
This race start was a disaster with a pop up of the front wheel - back to the ground - pop the front end up again - before he ever got moving forward. This bobbing up and down in placed cause fred to go from pole position to 7th place before the hairpin turn one. Time to get to work Fred!

This picture shows rider #99 a profesional rider in the Chiense Super BiKe (CSBK) series and rider #55 Uli on the Factory sponsored Ducati 1198, launching off the start line. If you look to the back and rear the red and white streak is Fred still bobling the frnt end up and down on the pole position.

Fred Getting Busy in a tight right hander

Fred paces Uli. a side Note - This is a true rivalry these guys really want to kick each others ass on the track. Twice now Fred has stomped on Ulli.
Uli Crashed out 2 times in the last 2 races trying to keep up with fred who was a about 3 seconds a lap faster.

LAP 5 - Fred made short order of the other 6 riders and caught up with the 1st place rider #99. He gave the croud a thrill by passing in what we call the Grand Stand Corner. Its a corner right in front of the grand stand and just behind the front straight. It s a great place to see spectacular passes and some great crashes. Fred gave them what they wanted to see... a spectacular pass int 1st place right in fornt of them.
Fred and I went over the race the other day in great detail. He told me that when he passed in this corner and gave the crowd a great battle with this rider. He dove under, out braked and was actually starting his heavy braking as he was entering the corner at lean angle. He said his front end was bouncing all over the place and he was just hanging on for dear life and coutner steering like a Mo Fo to make the turn. It stuck and he never gave up the lead for the next7 laps.

I got the blue flag and new the race leaders wer on my ass. At this point I was not sure who was in Front. I late braked into this turn and held the brake longer than normal to put me deep in the the corner and let the race leaders have a lot of the inside room they needed.
I was not there to race as much as I was to give my newly built bike a try so I did not want to get in anyones way. I was glad to see it was Fred that was the first to dive under me. #2 place rider was close behind him and passed me at the turns exit. I afforded him the same courtousy and kept to the outside to give him all the space he neeed as well.

Fred on the podium giving a well deserved "Whoo Hoo!"
He beat #2 place (#99 rider) by 1.012 seconds

Fred Gives a #1 sign to the crowd as he exits the Grand Stand Corner.
So with two official races under his belt a 2nd place in the last race which was his first motorcycle road race ever and a first in this only his 2nd race I think we wil see a lot of fred in the winners circle in the 2010 season.

Helen Trembly - Winner - Race supporter of the year award
A final word is regarding support. A huge part of the reason Fred got to where he is is due to his totally supportive wife, Helen. She knows this means a lot to Fred and gives her support and goes the extra step to suport the sport.
Helen is always the first to run out and get food and drink for us when we are stuck at the track. She helps cater the events as well and makes life bearable on hot summer days with a cheerful smile and coolers full of cold drinks. She goes the extra step every time and we are all so greatful to have her supporitng the sport and of course Fred.
BG-Performance - if your ever in China North or South and want to get on a track and have a ride of a life time you can contact BG-Performance at and they can get you there.
Its easy fun and compared to the western tracks its nearly half the cost to get suited up, on a super bike and ready for a days worth of track sessions. If your a sesoned rider and want to bring up your skills or if your a new rider wanting to get to the track for the first time. BG has seasoned vets including myself (New rider training) and Dave Sadawski (Advanced training) to share our knowledge.
A big thumbs up to the BG-crew for the support they give us riders at the track. Even though I guest as a trainer every now and then I am mostly a rider like the other guys and BG has given great support at the events I have been invovlved with them in. A big Thanks to them.
See you in the spring for the 2010 season.