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China Sport Channel I got on it!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:04 am
by China_Racer_1
My buddy sent me this link to the Chinese sports channel (There is only one really)

They came and shot footag this past weekend.

I got in the back ground on a few shots

I am in an orange shirt with a blue hat. You can see me sitting in tehbak talking to my buddy.

THE #44 bike is seen as well. ha ha. Big thirill for my and my Ego is now fed lol.

You can see it here: ... 1257436500

the motorcycles start at about the 31:00 mark and my bike pics start at 32:50

Uli on the #55 bike is shown well but he crashed out. #36 is my student and race partner Fred Trembley from Canada. He is the white guy being interviewed. He captured 1st place.

If you look at the race start footage you can see me gridded in the last row. I am 2nd to the last off the line on the left side of the screen ha ha. So bad but no worried I moved up shortly.

Re: China Sport Channel I got on it!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 9:14 am
by yamaha_george
hey TV coverage is always good but that link is the Chinese equiv of ERROR 404 page not found I believe :-{

Re: China Sport Channel I got on it!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:03 pm
by China_Racer_1
let me go there again and lift the url ... 1257436500

lifted that stright off so may need to cut and paste it in the browser.

I lifted it when I was watching the show so it should be good.

Unless your blocked by MI6 ha ha Commie sports TV and all lol

Re: China Sport Channel I got on it!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:14 pm
by olie05
I get the same problem. It's definitely an error 404.

is it on youtube?

...or perhaps youku?

Re: China Sport Channel I got on it!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:02 pm
by haro504
thats weird it worked for me the first time but it doesent now it had a head an sholders comercial in the begining with a guy doing karate kinda funny but i dident know what they were saying i did noticethat alot of things had chinese and english written like here everything has english and spanish