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Dave Sadowski training for the next 3 days

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:26 am
by China_Racer_1
I was asked yesterday to fil i nand help with teh traing course put on by AMADaytona 200 Winner Dave Sadowski.

I will be in charge fo taking the press corp around our superbike school bikes and showing them the track and getting them up to speed.

Not a very glourious job but its three days of free track time at the Shanghai F1 track so heck you know I am all over that.

I am nto sure hwo fast these guys wil be able t go but the last lap after the checker flag drops I generally let them know its my lap to go a bit faster.

Best part is I can sit in on Daves class room for free and get some tips on how best to take the track.

We have all day tomorrow for track familurization so lots of ass time tomorrow for fun then class friday and saturday. bad part is its nearly 100 with about 90% humidity so its sauna hot out there right now.

I will post pics tomorrow and over the next few days. We wil have on board cameras but I can not get to You tube or anythign like that its shut off over here. So I could use some help with maybe sending someone a vid file to be posted by then in stead of me.

Frigin police state. You tube face book all shut off. What a pain in the ass.

Anyone know a good proxy server. Most of the big name ones have been shut off here as well.

Re: Dave Sadowski training for the next 3 days

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:16 am
by WSM
I don't know if DropBox is "big time," but check it out:
2GB free server space.

Re: Dave Sadowski training for the next 3 days

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:40 am
by haunter
yeah that could work, set up a shared dropbox with one of us stateside(if you can use it) and we can dl teh stuff from there and put on YT

Re: Dave Sadowski training for the next 3 days

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:52 am
by cad600
Man that rocks. Anyone else want to move to China? I'd love to be able to just see the action.

Re: Dave Sadowski training for the next 3 days

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:55 pm
by China_Racer_1
I got only a few pics yesterday since we were just there testing bike for teh school today.

I did get a snippet of dave on video going past me like I was standing still on the back straight at about 100 mh... oh yea he was on his rear wheel when he was going by... the Bastard! ha ha

I had a camera on my helmet and got a few good fast laps into show you. I wil rty the site you said but now got to run to class. Yesterday for the last session at 4:00PP - 4:30PM shanghai time I was THE ONLY ONE out on the track at the Shanghai F1 circuit. Man what a frigin bast that place is. Me out testing superbikes alone on a track with Dave Sadowski. Who'd a thunk it. I am truely humbled

Only bad part is its nearly 95 degrees and today is hotter. The humidit index is well over 85%.

We were pouring sweat. :-(

Good part is there was a hot girl actress shooting a scene from a Niki Commercial and got my arm around her for a pic. :-)


Re: Dave Sadowski training for the next 3 days

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:25 pm
by olie05
i don't know if you have used but that was what I was using when I was over there. Not exactly great for uploading and downloading large files, but It'll get you to facebook if that's what ya want.

Re: Dave Sadowski training for the next 3 days

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:28 pm
by China_Racer_1
Drop box is a no go so far I will try again when I am done class today

Re: Dave Sadowski training for the next 3 days

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 1:55 am
by China_Racer_1
Got a few pics in from the training session

Here is Left to right

Steve Tsu owner of BG-Performance, Dave Sadowski, Unnamed Reporter, Myself

Me on one of the schools R-6 Yamaha's getting ready to head out with Dave on Thursdays track familiarization and testing day. We had the place to ourselves along with only two other riders all day. Such a blast.

Unknown reporter and myself. he was thrilled to have gotten the bike up to 100 KM/H on the back straight. Normal pace is closer to 180KM/H

Taking final instructions before we head out. Dave is to my right side.

Look at the different riding styles? Both riders are about eh same lap times. Bit the one the white bike is about 6" taller than the rider on the right which forces him to ride in a different style. The white bike rider went completely through two sets of knees sliders in the two days he was there.

I was in charge of training the slower riders, like this guy.

While Dave took out the seasoned riders like these two

Dave and I wore out but still standing after three days of hitting it hard.

Re: Dave Sadowski training for the next 3 days

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 10:14 am
by ragedigital
That is bad ass! Is Dave "American"?

Looks like they have some decent riders over there.


Re: Dave Sadowski training for the next 3 days

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 10:55 am
by China_Racer_1

Dave Sadowski was a kick ass racer back in the late 1980' early 90's in the AMA. He won the Daytona 200 back about 1990. Yes he is American form up in the Massachusetts area.

He has 2 sons in the AMA racing right now.

Yes the riders they have here are mostly expats (foreigners) who have race experience back in their home land. I get to hang out with a lot of cool ex champions who had to settle down and get real jobs. Now they go to track days and enter the few local races open to Foreigners.

Though you can not discount the Local Chinese riders. There are a few of them that are sick fast as well. Though the majority of the Chinese have not the years of experience racing yet. This is changing and every year we see a lot of good talent coming up through the Chinese Superbike Series.

Re: Dave Sadowski training for the next 3 days

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:21 am
by ragedigital
I haven't had a chance to read it, but here's a little interview on Dave: ... erview.htm

Course, he's got a pic of him on a FZR750... :thumbsup:

Re: Dave Sadowski training for the next 3 days

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 12:13 pm
just ftp ur files to have darrin set u up an ftp acct. no way china blocking ftp ports