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my FZR 1000 keeps dieing

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:15 am
by badger3292
Hello there, ive just swapped my VFR 400 for my first FZR 1000 EXUP (92) and im allready having problems i belive the bike has stood for about 3 years and i bought it under the impression it had been recommisioned correctly, but i now belive this to be wrong so here goes im hoping you guys can help me lol
i go to start the bike and it starts fine, idles ok i think, start my journey and the bike goes well untill you open her up get to 140 (private road) and it starts to splutter then nearly cuts out then it backfires judders a tad then goes again and then yesterday i was going to see the missus in hospital and it cut out at some traffic lights with a strong smell of fuel and wouldnt restart for about 15 mins, so after i got to my destination spent an hour with her then had to go back to work so set off with fingers crossed lol i done about 4 miles then she just died doing 70mph on the m/way so pulled in to the hard sholder and once again i smelt fuel so left it 15 mins and she fired up only to do 1.5 miles n she died n refused to start so i then had to abandon the bike n walk home (thankfully a nice couple pulled over and gave me a lift home) so i got back and arranged recovery for this morning so i went to meet the recovery truck went to the bike and she fired straight up. well the bike is now home im no mechanic but im handy at working on motors, has anyone got any ideas on what the problem is please any help would be thankfull
many thanks paul

Re: my FZR 1000 keeps dieing

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 6:56 am
by FZR 1000
Have you checked the carbs? Sounds like they may be flooding. Check jets, needls, toobs etc..

Re: my FZR 1000 keeps dieing

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:34 am
by badger3292
thanks mr fzr well i know im confident doing most work on my bike but as soon as you said carbs i thought like hell im doing them lol so its now in the garage so ill let ya all know what was the prob thanks

Re: my FZR 1000 keeps dieing

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:31 am
by badger3292
well ive found that my EXUP valve is seized, so im just in the process of replacing the header if this cures the problem ill let ya all know
thanks for all advice so far
thanks paul