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new coils?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 1:33 pm
by geofffzr
Does anyone know what effect using coils with a higher resistance will have particularly measured at the plug leads will it produce a bigger spark and what damage would it do?
thanks :thumbsup:

Re: new coils?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 2:06 pm
by DonTZ125
Higher resistance = reduced amperage. For a given dwell (determined by the TCI box) and comparable induction (coil design), this likely means a weaker spark. Now, if the stock coils are shot, a weaker-than-OEM spark may still be better than what you have.

And no, it won't damage the TCI; LOWER resistance coils can do that. The popular Ford ZX2 coil conversion will quickly burn out the ignition transistors on a V&H Powerpak; a stock TCI doesn't seem to have issues, but I'd wager that a dying VRR would more quickly take out the transistors of a TCI firing the ZX2 coil.