Sparkplugs / Dynojet / Alignement

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Sparkplugs / Dynojet / Alignement

Post by DrGreve »


A couple of questions. Ive searched the forums but to no avail.

I ordered the NGK DP8EA-9 sparkplug for my FZR. But as I later learned, this is intended for US models. My "euro"-FZR1000 requires a DR8ES-L. I also bought a Dynojet kit for the bike which says "for US models only". My naive butt didnt do the proper research... :duh:

I searched the webs but cant seem to find what differs the US models from the rest. I know it has something to do with emission restrictions, but what differs them engine-wise? The two spark plugs have different heat ratings and some other specifications differs as well I know...

Will the Dynojet kit work for my bike?

Secondly. After stripping the bike, cleaning valves/cylinders, changing gaskets etc, I couldnt get the timing 100 % when i put everything in place. The alignment marks on both the exhaust and intake camshaft is approx. 0.5-1 mm off (towards the front of the engine) when its at TDC cyl 1. I did take notice when I took it apart, but I suspect I wasnt super accurate when reading the alignement marks, so they could have been in this position when taking it apart. I tried turning it a couple of times so that the tensioner could do its thing, but it is as it is. Setting both the cams 1 tooth further back in the cam chain will only make it worse in the opposite direction so... Everything else is excactly as it was when stripping the engine, I marked the chain and the cams.
Might this be due to worn cam chain, or maybe new gaskets making the whole engine "taller" (all bolts are tightened to the correct torque)?

BTW, I also noticed some ridiculously small tears in 3/4 carburator diaphragms. FML ;-) (Ordered the Suzuki ones (4 pieces) for 100 Euros so its not killing me, but sucks anyways)

I appreciate all inputs. Ive never before done such extensive work on any engine so Im a novice. Treat me well Noob
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