Tethered kill switch type?

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Tethered kill switch type?

Post by coops »

Going to enter Burt Munro street race in November and must have tethered kill switch for this.
What type do I need? I think there is basically two types, normally open or closed. And do I just tap into the right handlebar kill switch? (I still have one)FZR1000 89
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Re: Tethered kill switch type?

Post by DonTZ125 »

If the "Normal" state is with the tether pulled, then you'd want the NO variant if you're tapping into the kill switch. Make sure it's rated for 10+ amps.
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Re: Tethered kill switch type?

Post by coops »

DonTZ125 wrote:If the "Normal" state is with the tether pulled, then you'd want the NO variant if you're tapping into the kill switch. Make sure it's rated for 10+ amps.
Thanks Don. That's a good question. What is "Normal"? I would expect normal is with the tether not pulled cos things aren't normal when you pull the thing lol
If that is the case, I will need N closed.
I will look into it, Cheers
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Re: Tethered kill switch type?

Post by DonTZ125 »

Hi, Coops.

For any spring-loaded switch, "normal" is in the relaxed position, with the spring extended. A relay is in the normal position when it is unpowered; the tether switch would be in the normal position when the tether wedge isn't forcing it into the 'powered' position.

You want Normally Open.
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