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HELP PLEASE- FZR1000 starter clutch....

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:59 am
by bruce_46
Hi all.

New to this forum, and very new to FZR's. Most of my background is with XS650's and BSA's.

Have acquired an 89 FZR1000 EXUP that I'm currently pretty "Balls deep" into a rebuild of.

Now I've finished all the frame side of the rebuild, I started with the engine yesterday, and have hit a big STOP. this engine is slipping on its starter clutch, which I've replaced on other variants before, with seemingly no issues. But as I've had a 15minute look at this engine, I can't work out if the clutch can be replaced/repaired without splitting the transmission cases, which, also from a brief look at the manual involves dismantling the top end altogether.... BIG SAD FACE!

Any old hats out there have any suggestions regarding this? Is there some secret door somewhere behind the drive clutch that I can gain access to the starter clutch, or am I just going to have to bite the bullet and tear the engine down.....

Really like to avoid this as the bike, before the strip down, performed Awsome! No smoke, no leaks, all round great engine. And I'd love to avoid the costs of new gasket set and piston rings.....

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Re: HELP PLEASE- FZR1000 starter clutch....

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:21 am
by bruce_46
I have come to terms with the fact I'll have to split the cases. :(

I have another question now though. Looking at gasket kits online, as they are almost non existent here in Australia. I'm seeing a lot of gasket kits for the 89 3LE engine.

I'm hoping someone out there can tell me if this kit will fit my engine, as it's a 3LJ number??? I'm hoping it's just a case that the designation for engines sold in the bikes for Australia.

Again, any help is greatly appreciated.