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Lower Crankcase 1989

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 2:36 pm
by brentm
Hello, on my Pre89 race-bike iv'e developed gearbox problems, seem's like the dogs are warn in 2nd and third, continuously bangs from 4000rpm on, its slowly got worse and now needs to fixed, My question is to remove the lower crankcase to get to my Transmission do you need to remove the Head and Barrel? I have read there are a couple of bolt you need to access from under the barrel (seems strange) I'm off to get a manual this week but thought I would ask the question anyway. Cheers.

Re: Lower Crankcase 1989

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:16 pm
by Stig
yes, sorry to say its a full strip job.

Theres a free gen Yamaha manual to download from the main site at my place to help you out

Re: Lower Crankcase 1989

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 12:52 am
Theres only one way and that is to strip the whole engine no other way to open the bottom that way suzuki is better changed a gearbox on a presling a while was lot easier just to loosen the bottom