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2nd Gear Problems

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:00 am
by gageusmc1000
Hey all,

Have a 1987 FZR1000 that I've had for a few years now. Ever since I've had it, I've had problems with 2nd gear. When you give it anything more than 1/8th of a throttle it jumps out of gear and skips all crazy like. I've heard its the shifting forks that are bent. This winter I am going to put it in the shop to have that fixed. any recommendations to the transmission/motor to have it right by next summer?


Re: 2nd Gear Problems

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:38 pm
by Rooster
I'm sure you will have to replace the shift fork, 2nd gear as well as the gear next to it cause the dogs will be beating the crap out of the grooves they are skipping out of. USMC? a marine? If so thanks for the service!!

Re: 2nd Gear Problems

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:20 am
by gageusmc1000
I figure that I would have to have the whole transmission gone through just for good measure! & You're welcome! Semper Fi. I appreciate the advice on the bike, is this a normal problem for FZR's?? and for the future, what actually causes a bent shift fork? Is it just because people dog it in 2nd or do burnouts ?? I want to make sure I don't have to fix something like this again.

Re: 2nd Gear Problems

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:31 am
by Rooster
I think it is a bit of a problem for all high horse power sport bikes cause of the high torque push up from first to second and having to go past nuetral to do it. My Bike was that way its an 89' FZR 1000 and my 79 XS1100 has that problem. I do believe its a little about wear and tear and a crapload of bad high RPM upshifts. If the clutch is worn and or the rider is not pulling in the clutch completely and fully disengaging the shifter can still make the gear change but Its eventually going to wear out or bend something.

Re: 2nd Gear Problems

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:07 am
by banner001
its not just a problem for high torque bikes, my zxr400 managed to - under hard acceleration - snap a tooth clean off the 2nd gear input shaft... ... 53#p102323

better to get these things sorted sooner rather than later...

Re: 2nd Gear Problems

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 8:47 pm
by Rooster
hmmm, and then the "holy crap o meter" pegged :)

Re: 2nd Gear Problems

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:28 am
by banner001
Rooster wrote:hmmm, and then the "holy crap o meter" pegged :)
yes, that was not a good day, was even worse having to nurse it home like that for 5 miles, had to go from 1st to 3rd as fast as possible if i needed to stop, if not it tried to keep it in 3rd and hope that nothing tried to lodge itself anywhere...

Re: 2nd Gear Problems

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:33 am
by gageusmc1000
Also to, another question I figured I would ask. I am going to buy a new front tire for my FZR. Any recommendations for great handling, and good mileage? Preferrably Medium

Re: 2nd Gear Problems

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:04 am
by Rooster
Mine came with Battle axes on it and I'm pretty happy with them so far but they are quite old as the bike was in storage for a long time in a old garage with no engine in the frame so they had no flat spots or UV exposure. That being said some of the guys on this site and a few other sites say that the cheaper priced chinese tires are ok but you should likely be looking for something that matches how you are going to ride. You may also have to change rims in order to access common sizes that are a little more affordable.

Re: 2nd Gear Problems

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:23 pm
by coops
I could be wrong but I woke up three hours early for work with nothing better to do, so im going to post anyways. Maybe Yamaha had a problem with there gears/forks (hardening) process with there bikes of that error. I know for a fact,the 89 ish SRX 650 had a forth gear problem due to bad hardening. And I seem to recall other yamys with dodjy boxes around that time. Just thinking aloud here.
Prick of a job sorting that out, good luck.
Is backgrinding the dogs a few degrees something that is done on these bikes to relieve pressure off the shift forks? I did that on my triple like many others do.