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EXUP 1000 carb tops
Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:44 pm
by retroboy
Hi all, I am new to this site and have just recently re-purchased my old 1990 1000 exup. the bike is in generally good condition but feels breathless. The carb tops are cracked and I am told are no longer available as new items, anybody got any suggestions ?
cheers, Adam
Re: EXUP 1000 carb tops
Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:30 am
by Rooster
Are you meaning the plastic covers over the vacuum diaphragm chamber? Or are you meaning the rubber diaphragm itself? It'll have a big effect on the outcome of the request if we know what it is for sure your looking for. There is a recent carb diaphragm thread where we discovered a suzuki part number for replacement, the Stig found those and I have found they are indeed a direct match.
If you have broken caps/covers they may be repairable with an epoxy cement or plastic 2 component product we buy in Canada called JB weld. Sand around the crack with 120 grit till it's roughed up mix the 2 components together and spread over said crack and let cure. It can be drilled, ground with a rotary tool, painted, etc.
Hope this helps
Re: EXUP 1000 carb tops
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:55 pm
by dan83590
The plastic tops are not now available new from Yamaha, second hand only. Diaphragms are still available.
Scour eBay for a set of carbs. The spares will come in handy.
EXUP 1000 carb tops
Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:11 pm
by Exupblue
You can find almost all for our carbs at kedo in germany
Look under trx850 , it uses the bdst38 carbs as our exup's or look ir bdst38 directly from the search engine
They have Both the hard top and the diaphram.