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by yamaha_george
Sat Sep 23, 2017 11:51 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Reelrazor checking in
Replies: 4
Views: 8495

Re: Reelrazor checking in

I thought I smelled sulpher ReelEazor Lolz.
, yeah been a darn long while since i swung by. not allowed a bike anymore as my back cannot take the strain. Bought myself a lathe and some guns and between them they have kept me alive :-)
by yamaha_george
Fri Aug 26, 2016 6:58 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Headlight(s) from UK. Are they diffferent from the German.
Replies: 5
Views: 6117

Re: Headlight(s) from UK. Are they diffferent from the Germa

Hi guys, Been a darn long while since i visited last, I bough a german twin headlight for my 92 FZR6 and just turned the "offending lens " upside down if i remember right and that fixed it from shining the "wrong way " trust you old guys are still all in one piece ? No more bikes the doc said well 5...
by yamaha_george
Mon Apr 27, 2015 3:24 am
Forum: WIKI - Discussion, Submissions, Corrections...
Topic: HOWTO: R6 Voltage Regulator conversion
Replies: 27
Views: 74076

Re: HOWTO: R6 Voltage Regulator conversion

Don, Well done, a timely reminder of what can be done properly if you put your mind to it. Trust the rest of you Inmates are well ? Alas the physio has re-negged on allowing me to ride again even on a much lighter bike GRRR! But thanks to my brother and my brothers in arms I have taken up shooting a...
by yamaha_george
Sun Apr 19, 2015 1:45 am
Forum: Hybrid Sportbike
Topic: Hose sizes for stock FZR radiator
Replies: 16
Views: 20762

Re: Hose sizes for stock FZR radiator

hi, The prior posts contain links to supplier of silicon hoses but not KITS or in NZ so importing bits of hose is required. If you want curves/bends i have no personal experience I just replaced a (grazed/road rashed ) pipe from the PO with the shiny red jobby in the picture. Sadly I no longer have ...
by yamaha_george
Tue Dec 30, 2014 6:18 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Busy busy
Replies: 2
Views: 3159

Re: Busy busy

Well folks tomorrow is the last day of a very full year for the Family and I. Thanks to all those who wrote off list asking about my time thief of a grandson Freddy George he has been in hospital for another 7 day stint frightening the proverbial out of us with Bronchitis and being on a lung assist ...
by yamaha_george
Sun Nov 30, 2014 7:51 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Busy busy
Replies: 2
Views: 3159

Busy busy

Hi, thought i would drop by as Freddy George is actually sleeping (babies are rumoured to sleep a lot but being my grandson he does not conform LoL) He has us all busy and I have not had much time to DO anything much, I bought two guns , a Crosman 2250 pistol & a Hatsan AT44/10 rifle (tactical take ...
by yamaha_george
Sun Nov 30, 2014 7:41 am
Forum: FZR600
Topic: 1990 FZR 600 r6 bolt on Rear shock?
Replies: 13
Views: 10456

Re: 1990 FZR 600 r6 bolt on Rear shock?

hello I am new to this forum, But I put on a 2002 busa shock on, and it works great. I can have about 400 lbs on the bike ,without it sagging in the rear. Only problem was had to cut some of plastic off the inner fender, took awhile to put it in. but works like a charm, got the shock off ebay for 5...
by yamaha_george
Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:21 am
Forum: FZR600
Topic: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!
Replies: 57
Views: 27392

Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Just an update due to some unfortunate bouts with medical issues I had to put the bike on hold for a bit. Recently I came pretty close to a heart attack and I'm only 26 but very fit. They think it was genetic. Also possibly getting knee surgery (meniscus tear no big deal) but I finally got around t...
by yamaha_george
Thu May 22, 2014 9:24 am
Forum: FZR600
Topic: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!
Replies: 57
Views: 27392

Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

thanks i knew there was something worrying me about the push rod "the fact it is bi-metal" would be why I had avague feeling someone had said along time ago that the magnet will not always work .
Thanks for stepping in and clarifying that.
by yamaha_george
Wed May 21, 2014 6:24 pm
Forum: FZR600
Topic: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!
Replies: 57
Views: 27392

Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

V, You need to clean the underside of the engine and behind the front sprocket shield which are the most likely of damage by a flailing chain. Lay the bike to the left to get a good view of the underside then check the sprocket area by standing the bike up again. I know that your back hurts so be ca...
by yamaha_george
Wed May 21, 2014 2:45 pm
Forum: FZR600
Topic: 1990 FZR 600 r6 bolt on Rear shock?
Replies: 13
Views: 10456

Re: 1990 FZR 600 r6 bolt on Rear shock?

Thanks i did look but couldnt find it at first went back and looked and found it, so its like 12" and the shock i might use is 15" if i adjust the damping and height it should work right? thanks tjk TJK, I'm with ReelRazor on this the 15" shock actually will not fit on the bike, to see how tight th...
by yamaha_george
Tue May 20, 2014 5:41 pm
Forum: FZR600
Topic: 1990 FZR 600 r6 bolt on Rear shock?
Replies: 13
Views: 10456

Re: 1990 FZR 600 r6 bolt on Rear shock?

Do any of you know the length of the rear shock from bolt hole to bolt hole? my friend has a rear shock from an atv i was considering trying out because its really cheap... this one is 15" long, my bike is at my shop otherwise i would measure it myself.. i want it to be a little longer to raise the...
by yamaha_george
Mon May 19, 2014 9:50 am
Forum: FZR600
Topic: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!
Replies: 57
Views: 27392

Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

I haven't pulled anything apart but I am pretty sure its done for when I heard that pop it started leaking from the clutch cover like really bad pretty much all of it I have talked to a few friends that work on bikes alot and all of them say something probably broke and may have cracked that cover ...
by yamaha_george
Mon May 19, 2014 9:33 am
Forum: FZR400
Topic: Same old questions from a new FZR400 owner
Replies: 9
Views: 7351

Re: Same old questions from a new FZR400 owner

I have a spare 3TJ swing arm & Rear axle sitting here bought for someone who has since disappeared of planet FZR it owes me 50+ UKP shipping state side worked out to be about 50 + UKP.
Your call.......................
by yamaha_george
Sun May 18, 2014 5:49 am
Forum: FZR600
Topic: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!
Replies: 57
Views: 27392

Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Well now I have a new problem and its a huge one. As I was shifting to second I heard a clank and the bike acted as if it was in neutral and as I looked down I saw a rusty colored fluid leaking out underneath where the clutch is. The bike still runs and everything but doesn't move so im assuming it...