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by A-JK
Thu May 22, 2014 12:41 pm
Forum: FZR600
Topic: FZR 600 `92 Front wobble
Replies: 7
Views: 3670

Re: FZR 600 `92 Front wobble

Once again the easiest solution was the best. Had the front wheel balanced today (60gr :whistle ) and the wobble was gone!
The front suspension is great now, racetech spring upgrade was well worth the money as now the front feels as good as new.
Thanks for all the advices guys! :tks:
by A-JK
Tue May 20, 2014 1:13 pm
Forum: FZR600
Topic: FZR 600 `92 Front wobble
Replies: 7
Views: 3670

Re: FZR 600 `92 Front wobble

I can`t be sure if I allready had the problem before the rebuild as the front was in quite horrible condition, so it could have been there for a while but I just hadn`t noticed it. I´m pretty sure I installed everything back to their places, or atleast I didn`t end up with any "extra"-parts... :thum...
by A-JK
Mon May 19, 2014 10:46 am
Forum: FZR600
Topic: FZR 600 `92 Front wobble
Replies: 7
Views: 3670

FZR 600 `92 Front wobble

Yesterday I installed new Racetech .95 springs, new seals and Motorex 15W fork oil with the oil level set to 100mm from the top. Now after litle trial and error with setting the correct preload and sag the front suspension feels just amazing after riding with leaking pogo-stick it used to be, BUT......
by A-JK
Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:33 am
Forum: FZR600
Topic: Oil strange color: please advise...
Replies: 21
Views: 7766

Re: Oil strange color: please advise...

The reservoir swap hasn`t done any damage. You should check the coolant for any oil directly at the radiator. If there is oil on the coolant it is definetly the headgasket. If the headgasket is broken there are quite few thing that may happen: white smoke from exhaust, oil & water get mixed = "baby ...
by A-JK
Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:41 am
Forum: FZR600
Topic: Oil strange color: please advise...
Replies: 21
Views: 7766

Re: Oil strange color: please advise...

Your oil has water in it. Check if your coolant level has lowered, if it has your cylinderhead gasket is probably broken and your coolant gets mixed with oil (if so it is likely that the coolant will have a film of oil on it).