Search found 13 matches
- Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:43 pm
- Forum: FZR600
- Topic: expansion bottle and where to re-site it!
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1147
Re: expansion bottle and where to re-site it!
cheers pn, I get the idea,find a space and use it! does it matter if its lower than the rad,cos I know a gpz600 has one in the belly pan under the headers! may get away with a smaller tank under the pillion seat if I can find something,ps thanks for the help on the carbs,oh its so nice to ride again...
- Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:36 pm
- Forum: FZR600
- Topic: expansion bottle and where to re-site it!
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1147
expansion bottle and where to re-site it!
hi peeps tis I again! can anyone tell me nicely where to stick my expansion bottle if I decide to cut down my seat fairings to give it a more up to date look? I've seen it done and its the only bit leaving me puzzled! now do I need a different bottle or do I need to 'fabricate' something? any help o...
- Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:20 pm
- Forum: FZR600
- Topic: still got carb trouble!
- Replies: 8
- Views: 3354
Re: still got carb trouble!
hi all,back again as promised! now i put the new(second hand!) carbs on didnt touch a thing and the little bugger fired up first press and ran ok! let it warm up a touch and blipped it and no probs,sounds different too so let it warm up some more( buggered off indoors and had a brew!) come out and a...
- Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:41 pm
- Forum: FZR600
- Topic: still got carb trouble!
- Replies: 8
- Views: 3354
Re: still got carb trouble!
hi again! well ive given up on the carbs,going for another set as i think mine have been messed with (before me getting in there!) too much and it is going to cost more than the bikes worth just to sort em out, £280 for pattern slides,£50 for needles and £150 ish for jets and then it may not work if...
- Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
- Forum: FZR600
- Topic: clymer manual 89-93 fzr600 WTF?!?!
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1345
Re: clymer manual 89-93 fzr600 WTF?!?!
hi chaps! ive got a UK 92 genesis 600 with a 3en top fairing with single lense and twin projector lamps in! now i know mine should have twin round lamps but its been changed at some point! and that i think was a 94 thang! and it obviously needs dual lamp wiring!
- Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:13 pm
- Forum: FZR600
- Topic: still got carb trouble!
- Replies: 8
- Views: 3354
Re: still got carb trouble!
hi mate thanks for the input! i know about the high flo bits and up jetting to suit,but if i do it only just runs (110 mains and 3+ turns on pilot) it will almost stop running if i try riding with those settings thats why ive leaned it out to get it running this well! went out today and changed the ...
- Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:23 pm
- Forum: FZR600
- Topic: still got carb trouble!
- Replies: 8
- Views: 3354
still got carb trouble!
hello again! this fzr is really doin my swede in now>:) a few months ago i was ere asking for help with my fzr's carbs. well after stripping,cleaning rejetting and replacing also a litile swearing i am almost at the point of counselling! now its starting point settings were- 110 mains,2.75 turns pil...
- Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:39 pm
- Forum: FZR600
- Topic: carb help,standard size of the holes in throttle slides,
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3062
Re: carb help,standard size of the holes in throttle slides,
well i went out today with low expectations as to how things were going to pan out but it suprised me by starting up with no fuss and running reasonably sweet! so i did the usual thing and put it together,added a bit more fuel and wheeled it out to the road,nervously swung me leg over,switched on,hi...
- Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:48 pm
- Forum: FZR600
- Topic: carb help,standard size of the holes in throttle slides,
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3062
Re: carb help,standard size of the holes in throttle slides,
hi,ooops sorry to hear that! still easy fix for you! ripped them carbs out again today,getting good at it now...tank out carbs off and out in about 6 mins! done the needles,just removed the plastic spacer and a washer and re-clipped at 2 out of 7, so leaner but not stoopid threw it all back in,said ...
- Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:27 pm
- Forum: FZR600
- Topic: carb help,standard size of the holes in throttle slides,
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3062
Re: carb help,standard size of the holes in throttle slides,
taggy,thanks for that mate but already sussed that the po put 400 slides in for some reason! not sure of headers but they are 4-2-1 stainless and at the mo got a cut down zx10 can on as its a little quieter than my art pro! no real change whichever one i use cos they are both free flowing! did baffl...
- Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:14 pm
- Forum: FZR600
- Topic: carb help,standard size of the holes in throttle slides,
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3062
Re: carb help,standard size of the holes in throttle slides,
hi clanky,thanks for the info on slides,measured mine and they are 3mm and as i found the inside was moulded they hadnt been drilled and im assuming they are 400s! done a sleeve job(yes my rc ariel is now shorter lol) and it did help a lot,much better response to throttle but still fading out but no...
- Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:55 pm
- Forum: FZR600
- Topic: carb help,standard size of the holes in throttle slides,
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3062
Re: carb help,standard size of the holes in throttle slides,
hi clanky,thanks for all your help! already stripped and cleaned them twice now and i changed the fuel filter today,it was dirty but ive seen worse! didnt make a lot of difference but i did note today that increasing the throttle slowly from idle as the revs climbed to 4k it was fine,hold it there a...
- Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:10 pm
- Forum: FZR600
- Topic: carb help,standard size of the holes in throttle slides,
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3062
carb help,standard size of the holes in throttle slides,
hi guys, hope someone can help! i need to know the size of the two holes in the slides as mine have been drilled and i want to know if putting them back to standard will help with my running issues? idles fine,responds to throttle well its just when i try to ride it it just dies under load. got a k+...