Search found 57 matches

by CJD
Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:38 pm
Forum: FZR600
Topic: Not starting
Replies: 8
Views: 2811

Re: Not starting

A very good suggestion (in my eyes) why make a new thread?

Please don't make life difficult, why should anyone waste their time tracing your old posts? Post in the original thread. makes sense to me :whistle
by CJD
Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:48 pm
Forum: Electrical: MODs/How-To/Issues
Topic: I need help in my FZR 600 genesis 92
Replies: 8
Views: 4583

Re: I need help in my FZR 600 genesis 92

COMMENTS DELETED AS NOTHING WAS BENEFICIAL TO ORIGINAL POSTER OR THE COMMUNITY. We will continue to show respect to the members of as they have and continue to show respect for our community. Please disregard the mumblings of a person (CJD) who does not represent -dar...
by CJD
Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:04 pm
Forum: Items for Sale
Topic: FS: 89 FZR600 Part out
Replies: 28
Views: 11468

Re: FS: 89 FZR600 Part out

$20 for the starter clutch cover shipped :deal:
by CJD
Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:04 pm
Forum: FZR400
Topic: Need help with compression test
Replies: 12
Views: 7810

Re: Need help with compression test

OK just to be sure your doing the test correctly (obviously you can't warm the engine up) All 4 plugs removed, Throttle wide open also manually open the throttle slider on the same carb # as to the cylinder being tested. Most importantly disconnect the TCI so none of the plug leads spark/arc out, we...
by CJD
Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:41 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 6
Views: 2332


I stopped reading when I got to the part where they spelled "UEGO" wrong. Tuning by spark plug is a basic and subjective way of tuning an engine. Do you think the plugs on that Hemi are going to respond the same way as on our bikes? Things like flame speed, combustion chamber efficiency, and plug d...
by CJD
Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:40 pm
Forum: FZR600
Topic: Starting issue
Replies: 14
Views: 5136

Re: Starting issue

A quick guess, and prolly something you have already checked. Whats the condition of both main terminals/connections on the start relay, and the condition of the connection on the starter motor? Other than that worn brushes in the starter motor? You have something somewhere that is sucking all the j...
by CJD
Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:23 pm
Forum: FZR600
Topic: weak spark, not running
Replies: 24
Views: 8245

Re: weak spark, not running

gt5094stang wrote:no its the actual turn signal relay or flasher relay under the seat next to the cdi box and fuse box
you should also check out the tightness of your chain and your tire pressures, which also have no effect on the ignition. lol the flasher relay funniest thing I have ever heard

:nopic :whistle
by CJD
Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:42 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: AAAAAA Help!!!!
Replies: 8
Views: 3331

Re: AAAAAA Help!!!!

No one can possibly be this paranoid. His question wasn't how to get the disk lock off it was about fixing the wiring. Do you even realize how easy it is to hotwire an FZR? Most thieves who know the first thing about any of that stuff, would have 0 issues doing it. bonkonhead Please next time you p...
by CJD
Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:14 pm
Forum: FZR600
Topic: R6 VR mod
Replies: 29
Views: 15451

Re: R6 VR mod

lol I must say this is an excellent reply :cheers: , but see mine :cheers: I have a 91 FZR 600. recently some douche bags tried to steal it and destroyed my ignition system. They also cut the ignition wires 2 try and hot wire the bike, the whole time not noticing the fluro yellow disc brake lock pr...
by CJD
Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:52 am
Forum: FZR600
Topic: weak spark, not running
Replies: 24
Views: 8245

Re: weak spark, not running

DonTZ125 wrote::duh: Fluff
is this how the MODS operate here :deal:
by CJD
Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:45 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: AAAAAA Help!!!!
Replies: 8
Views: 3331

Re: AAAAAA Help!!!!

There was a thread a while back on "How to hotwire a FZR," that was quickly taken down by the mods for obvious reasons. This post is presented as "How can I fix my bike after AHs tried to steal it," and short of calling the local rozzers, it's impossible - and unreasonable - to assume otherwise. if...
by CJD
Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:32 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: AAAAAA Help!!!!
Replies: 8
Views: 3331

Re: AAAAAA Help!!!!

First off - mod scold. Post once, not three times! Back to the subject at hand - did you check the main 30A fuse, in a separate pod behind the left tail panel? It's separate from the other fuses and often gets overlooked. I can easily see morons trying to hot-wire the ignition shorting something ou...
by CJD
Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:48 pm
Forum: FZR600
Topic: What is the length of the stock FZR600 shock?
Replies: 2
Views: 1729

Re: What is the length of the stock FZR600 shock?

according to the WIKI The WIKI 89-99 FZR600 shock is 11.938” eye to eye… But you should try searching the forum or why not check out the WIKI? I'll help you out for the conversion to MM. There's a really good internet search site, its called g...
by CJD
Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:03 pm
Forum: FZR600
Topic: weak spark, not running
Replies: 24
Views: 8245

Re: weak spark, not running

DonTZ125 wrote:The hot wire to the coils REALLY should go through the key and kill switches ...
Are you quite sure on that :whistle
by CJD
Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:23 pm
Forum: FZR600
Topic: Adjustable kickstand for FZR600?
Replies: 5
Views: 2260

Re: Adjustable kickstand for FZR600?

Why do you need a shorter kickstand? if you think it's too long get yourself some jack up dogbones (they should be SHORTER, thnx reelrazor) this will make the bike handle better and also raise the back end of the bike up. My bike leans acutely whilst on the kickstand (I think it's too short) Just a ...